Linking up with Elizabeth from
I know it has been a little while since I have done one
of these. But I have been getting a lot of planning
done so not to worry I will have many things to
blog about on future Bridal Talk Tuesday's!
On another note.. I mentioned that the my mom,
grandma (Mimi), little sister, friends [MS],
I were all headed over to Miami, Coral Gables
specifically, to bridal gown shop on the Miracle
Mile. Well, I must report that at the first store
the 3rd dress I tried on was definitely the one.
It was WAY out of my price range but Mimi
picked it out so I tried it on and it turned out
to be perfect! I obviously loved it and the
designer of the dress just happened
to be having a trunk show
at the store I was shopping in.
So I met the designer and she was so nice
and gave me lots of suggestions for veils, etc.
The only problem was that this was only the
first appointment out of 8 other appointments
that I had scheduled between that day and the next.
So we went to my next appointment
and it was awful, they had nothing.
Then I realized that all the shops I had
appointments in were just along the Mile so
we just stopped in, looked through the gowns
and quickly realized I wasn't going
to find what I wanted at any of those places.
Then we ate lunch and talked about the appointments
that I had scheduled for Sunday. One of the appointments
on Sunday I had paid for two dresses from one designer
to be sent into the store just for that weekend. Hmm.
Dilemma. So after lunch we went to my appointment
at one other salon that was somewhat comparable to
the one we had been in that morning. I tried
on a few dresses and there was only
one that was somewhat similar but
it just didn't feel right. So I knew that I had
to head back to the other salon.
As soon as I arrived back the designer was their
waiting for us (she could tell I was coming back)
and I tried the dress on again and everyone knew
it was the one. Then the designer personally
fitted me for the dress herself and is even
making custom alterations to the dress for me.
She also suggested a custom long veil. Then
she free-hand sketched the dress and signed it
and gave it to me! It was a great experience!
And I am so happy with my choice. I can't
wait to show you guys!
For now these pictures will have to do..
My Mimi after we bought the dress
showing that her pockets are now empty. hah.
That night we checked
into the hotel and had a great dinner
at Fleming's! And beforehand I asked
[MS] and Beverly to be in my wedding!
uhmm.. yes. Lots of stuff for 6 women and
1 night.
[MS] and Beverly with their Marley Lilly
gifts! [MS] is a bridesmaid and Beverly
is my MOH!
I asked [AB] to be my other MOH and
a bridesmaid last week!
I still have one more bridesmaid
to ask so hopefully she doesn't see this before
I send her hers!
Then on Sunday we got up, ate breakfast
and headed over to the Aventura mall
which is where the Jcrew store had the Bridesmaids
dresses that we could try on.
It took a few but we picked out the Bridesmaids
dresses and the junior bridesmaids dresses also!
This one was a no. Not crazy about
how it gathered on the side.
Liked this one.
Not crazy about the fan thing
at the top of this one.
This is the style of the dress we picked
for the junior bridesmaids.
But it will be navy.
Love the bow on the back.
These are the two we ended up going with..
The Erica dress in the Dark Navy.
And the Alisanne dress in Dark Navy
for the junior girls.
Do you like what we picked?
I wish I could show you a picture
of my dress but sorry, fiance' reads
the blog sometimes.
Can't wait for you to see!
Let me know what you think!
Little Miss Southern Love