I have received three blog awards in the last few weeks and
I am just now getting around to posting about them!
The first one is the Juici Blog Award from Jessi at The Juici Life.
She said the sweetest things about my blog
when introducing this award and I really
appreciate the traffic she sent this new bloggers way :)

The second and third awards are the
'One Lovely Blog Award' that I received from both
cAc at Life in the Sweet Virginia Breeze and from
Elizabeth at Life with Elizabeth.

With this award I am sharing 7 fun facts about myself and tagging 15 other bloggers.
I am so thankful for all of my bloggers and I hope some of you will pass this
award on.
Here it goes:
1. I am so thankful for my Mom, she is my best friend and is always there for me!
2. [KP] & I really want a French Bulldog. I think this will be our first big purchase together.
Isn't she so cute?
3. Disney World is one of my favorite places on earth! I love family vacations to Disney
and I also love going with just [KP]. So many fun things to do, it never gets old!

4. I DESPISE roses. [KP] knows this of course and got me these gorgeous tulips this
last Valentines Day.
5. I live in Southwest Florida minutes away from some of the most gorgeous beaches
in the country. One of our favorites is Sanibel Island (pictured).
6. I LOVE hunting. This is my dad & I dove hunting this past fall. He is the one
who taught me how to hunt and I enjoy going with him every year.
7. I love trying new desserts/recipes from magazines or cookbooks. This is a
cool whip/angel food cake/vanilla pudding parfait that I made for
Mothers Day and for another family BBQ. Such a great summer dessert that
everyone loves!

Wheeewww. That was a lot of tagging.
I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend!
Little Miss Southern Love.